FT-847 with box mic and filters

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FT-847 with box mic and filters

Post by N6YYI »

I have a FT-847 with the box+power cord+mic+manual. It is in good condition. It has no dust, or visable signs of wear. I have had the radio since 2004. I also have installed the optional INRAD filters for SSB. I put in the 2.1Khz filter and the 2.8Khz filter for SSB.

I have up for sale a couple of my other rigs, but seeing that this is my main radio... I want to make sure I am fair if I decide to sell this. My goal is to save up to get a TS-2000 and a few other things in the near future. Any pointers would be helpful.
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Post by W4AIN »

I believe that $1050.00 (shipped CONUS) would be a fair price for the FT-847.

I have purchased 847's in near mint condition (minus INRAD's) for as low as $750.00.
Phil - W4AIN
On The Air Communications
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