Chinese Radiokit-180???
Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 1:30 pm
I purchased a Radiokit-180 from a Chinese Company from E-bay. I have put many kits together and have been an engineering technician for 21 years at Rockwell. The kit went together as they described and it was looking very nice as all soldering pads were inspected and free of any solder bridges or build-up. After re-inspecting the kit to be sure all components were in the right place, I attached a 9 volt supply to it. To my surprise, all I can get at the receiver speaker is extreme hum! No signal or white receiver noise what-so-ever. When I key the transmitter, all I hear is hum at the speaker as well. Thinking the power supply may be to much ripple, I replaced it with a battery. It did not help the hum problem what-so-ever. Something is not right with their layout and I've checked components 3 times to be sure the values were right. Wonder if anyone else has had this problem and if so did you find a fix?
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