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Dad's Equipment - QRO HF-25000X
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:58 pm
by CarterJD
Good day, folks.
I am working through my departed dad's equipment, and have one item that I cannot find any reference to it "online."
QRO HF-25000X (QRO Technologies.)
Cosmetically it is in great condition. Funtionally, I can't speak to, except that it was used daily by him.
I can find other QRO amplifiers and their new costs, but nothing on this 25000X.
Thanks for your time.
Re: Dad's Equipment - QRO HF-25000X
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:40 pm
The QRO HF-2500DX is the equipment I think you are refering to, because the SUBJECT LINE referes to a 25000X. Replace the last "0" with a "D" and we're in business. The HF-2500DX was replaced by the HF-3KDX, that's why it's not on the QROTEC site any more. I have a HF-2500DX and use it every day, so if there are any operating questions you have, I can try to help. As I'm sure you are aware, this is a very high power amp and care should be taken if or when you power it up. These amps can vary in price depending on the condition, additional capabilities, and funtional status. I have seen advertised spare tubes included in a couple of the HF-2500DX ads as well. Asking prices and actual selling prices can differ greatly as well. A typical price for a good condition, fully functioning amp is in the $2500 range. As a single data point, I ended up spending $2300 on my amp.
I might be interested in a spare amp, but first take the information I provided above, check it out so you feel confident the info is correct and feel free to contact me with your decision.
Good Luck, 73's
Dave (KD8QIN)
Re: Dad's Equipment - QRO HF-2500DX
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:42 pm
by CarterJD
Thank you for your reply, Dave.
You are exactly correct, as the "D" looks very close to a "0" under the PV/SV/IP knob.
There's a ton here for me to sort out, but I appreciate your clarification and possible interest.
Also an ICOM 7600 that will be getting put on the table. In perfect condition, just need to find the box. What's your thoughts on it?
Thanks again,
Jeremiah (N0WIF)
Re: Dad's Equipment - QRO HF-25000X
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:25 pm
I dont have experience with the IC-7600 but I know it's a current design and you should be able to find plenty of information from the Icom website. A quick check on this site shows a couple of IC-7600 asking around $3000. These pop up for sale far more often than the HF-2500DX on Hope that helps.