Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:09 am
by KJ4FY
I just made a purchase from Mark and everything was just as he said and I would gladly make another purchase from Mark. He is one of the good guys.
Re: KD8FZH Mark A. Clay-People agree to purchase a book, or books then I never hear from them.
Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 11:11 pm
by kd8fzh
Sometimes I sell amateur radio books on here. The issue I am having is people agree to purchase a book, or books; then I never hear from them again.
Therefore, this causes problems such as confusion, and also blocks those who are sincere about purchasing said books.
For example, yesterday, I listed books and eight people almost immediately responded. Then, out of those eight, only two actually made a purchase.
So, in essence, while I am waiting to receive funds from buyers who have agreed to purchase, often I receive inquiries form other people who are interested in purchasing one or more books. In the meantime, I cannot respond to their inquiry since I am waiting on funds from other people. However, the main reason for this post is to inform people that I am not a scammer. Therefore, please allow me to provide a little information concerning myself.
To those who read this, no doubt you can clearly see that I am not a scammer. Besides holding a General Class Amateur Radio License, I hold a General Radio Telephone Operators license with a Radar Endorsement (element-8), and also was just recently licensed as a G.M.R.S. operator. While I did become a ham back during 1991, at technician-plus status, actually, I have been licensed by the F.C.C. since 1979. I got my first license which was a form #753 Restricted permit which allowed me to work at both FM stations, and AM broadcast stations that were non-directional since I never did take the third-class license. Then, during 1984, I did pass the GROL license, and then approximately 3 months later; I returned to the F.C.C. Testing Center (then-every-three-months-the-FCC-would come down from Pittsburgh and administer the exams in Charleston, W.V.) and passed the Radar Endorsement element-8, which was added to my GROL).
During the 1980's, I completed both a Broadcast Engineering Diploma during 1983, and then earned an Associate of Applied Science Degree from Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Cleveland, Ohio during May of 1989.
I continued to work for WJYP, WSCW, WEMM, and WFJT radio stations until 1989. At that time, I got out of broadcast radio, however, did return to WJYP-WSCW and worked there nearly full-time from 1996-1997. I resigned during 1997, and then enrolled at Marshall University, Huntington, W.V. during late 1997, and then began studies there during Spring of 1998, and therefore, remained commuting to classes to engage in academics for nearly ten-years. Therefore, I graduated from Marshall University twice. The first graduation consisted of earning a Bachelor's degree. Whereas, the second, was due to completion of a Master's of Science Degree in Adult and Technical Degree.
Shortly after that graduation, I enrolled with Devry-Keller University of Management and studied until 2011 when I graduated with another Master's Degree where I did major in Management of Telecommunications.
Afterwards, I did enroll with NorthCentral University and attempted to earn my Doctoral. After a few years of completing courses, I became burned-out on studying there so I resigned from that University and then enrolled with Walden University around 2015. Then, during 2017, I graduated yet with another Master's degree with a major in Information Technology (IT).
Additionally, I have completed many FEMA courses, including METED (meteorology) courses. After all, i did take some meteorology courses while attending Marshall University. Among those courses, I did pass a course as being a severe storm spotter.
Foremost, I have provided this information to allow all on QTH to realize that they are not dealing with a scam artist.
Most importantly, I take pride in my academic accomplishments and to be honest I have a 100-percent feedback rating on Ebay.com, Amazon.com, this amateur radio website, eHam.net, including good on QRZ.
Therefore, when you see me post older books that I no longer utilize (I am not a dealer), please be rest assured that if you purchase a book, you will in-fact receive your book and-or books.
Also, when you purchase from me, if you are satisfied please post within the discussion forum. By doing so, possibly we can minimize the chaos and confusion that is being caused and it was so bad yesterday that to be honest; discourages me from listing any item for sale on here. Yes, it is that bad.
When I sold more frequent on here I did occasionally encounter that problem, however a record of it was established yesterday.
Do you see and-or understand that this causes both confusion, as well as, blocking potential sales to people who really want to purchase a book and-or other amateur radio item?
Fellow hams, I am not angry the least bit concerning this as we realize that nobody should be forced to buy anything from anyone. However, a verbal agreement should be valid and not false. Thus, false enough where it impedes my ability to sell to legitimate buyers.
Therefore, I just ask, is this normal? What could be the reason, or reasons? Do people do this intentionally to create havoc ?
I cannot comprehend why these actions would be done in malice since I have no enemies that I can think of.
Possibly, some feedback on this post would help. Possibly, other hams have encountered this same problem, and if so, please post and let me know.
What I am asking for is any advice that someone may be able to provide to me, thus, to enable me to better comprehend what I could be doing wrong, or if there are any remedies and-or-ways to mitigate this problem. Yes, it was so bad yesterday that it causes me to dread listing any additional items in the classifieds.
I could contact Scott and see what he would recommend. However, Scott is the owner of this classified site, whereas, he spends considerable time in website design and I feel that it would bother him, and too, he has no control over this.
I ask for feedback response on how to handle and-or cope with this, including those who do agree to purchase an item will do so within a few minutes to one hour.
Conclusively, by initiating a fairly quick transaction would prevent the problem of obstructing potential and legitimate sake of items that have been posted and are for sale. Therefore, please, if anyone orders an item, then I just ask for them to stand by their word and not just ring the doorbell and then run.
Mark A. Clay Sr.
PG049882 -FCC
and non-profit: WYLC RADIO at wylcradio.com online