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radio detectors
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 5:52 am
by hugo
Do you know what kinds of
radio detector is best? i heard that detectorall is great, is that right?
Re: radio detectors
Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 2:08 pm
by k9yli
I'll bite.. what is a ''radio detector' .???? i know of diode detectors and product detectors,slope detectors (for FM)..
be more specific..
Re: radio detectors
Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 12:35 am
by k5jxh
anti spy scanners.
first off the number of spy devices is near unlimited. (even your home windows shake when you talk, and the spy can hear you from across the street. (with a laser gun)
ok bug, bug scanners is the term.
the best scanners are:
1: a real spectrum analyzer and a test antenna connected to it. *(watch them on youtube) the price for the good ones will scar you...
2: or a SDR radio, find one with the best dynamic range and wide range of frequencies,, try the SDRplay. but it won't go to wifi 5Ghz , (ends at 2)
3: barring that, they sell cheap hand scanners that focus on specific threats, like blutooth, wifi, etc. some folks have a tool box full of hand scanners to do all the potential sources. (they wish)
There's is no guide to tell you which hand scanner is best, that would be an impossible set of tests , to test it against all threats and all types of modulation, what if it's spread spectrum? ooops... you just got SPY'd on.
IN most cases it's just a feel good, protection, a false sense of security, there really is none. (best is not need it)
If the CIA wants to spy you, you may never find the bugs. (or the techniques used) and NSA records it all, all that exits your home.... as everyone now knows. seems the movie long ago was right, "Enemy of the state" they nailed it.
good luck in your purchases, 73s !
Re: radio detectors
Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 2:29 pm
by k9yli
I don't believe that BS about NSA recording everything. With all the calls and computer users and cell phones in the US
it would take a disk farm the size of Connecticut to store it all. And a population the size of Maine to do any searches of what might be of value to some one. And over 90% of the data would be obsolete with in a few days.
The law of diminishing returns says the whole idea is likely bogus, that NSA spies on everyone.
The cost would far out-weigh the value gained.