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Harris RF 230M

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 1:00 am
A friend of mine who is an avid shortwave listener has an Harris RF 230M H.F radio. It was once in service on a US Navy vessel. The radio was refurbished by Harris RF in Rochester, NY approx. 4 years ago. It has an external remote tuner and the condition of the radio is externally good +. The radio is operational, both transmit and receive. It is a solid state rig and has a feature to set fixed frequecies inside it with a set of calibrated wheels or drums. It has an output of 125+ watts. I have been trying to persuade him for a few weeks to become a licensed amateur and I believe now, he will take the Tech test soon. Once we got the radio working, it was all the encouragement he needed to get moving. He will probably hang on to it for awhile, but obviously, he was wondering about its value.
If anyone has any knowledge of this type rig, the value or any experience with it, please advise.

Thanks in advance,