From Southern California Six and 10 Meter Club to our fellow Amateur Radio Operators:
We all enjoy our outstanding association of Amateur Radio and know that it has had a profound effect on our chosen vocation and hobby. Also, it has given us a wonderful camaraderie with fellow hams in our Southern California community and around the world.
Sharing this valuable gift of Amateur Radio with U.S. middle school students during their formative years will have a similar effect on them, their lives and their education, both professionally and personally.
We know that each of our fellow Amateur Radio Operators are selfless individuals who have given generously of their time and resources for the betterment and promotion of Amateur Radio and we send to you our heartfelt Thanks.
We would also like to prepare for the future now and get more U.S. citizens involved in Amateur Radio. With the proliferation of more advanced cell phones that do more and more exciting things and other diversions, it is imperative that we get more young people involved in Amateur Radio and “bring back the past excitement” of strong activity on all amateur bands. There is a serious problem when the average age of all new amateur radio licensees is 54 years old.
In this regard, we propose a new U.S. Amateur Radio Maker License specifically targeted to U.S. middle school students. Once young people get excited about Amateur Radio and enjoy communicating with their friends and experienced ham radio operators, many will become quite involved in Amateur Radio, will upgrade and it will become a life-long rewarding hobby for them. But, we must make students aware of Amateur Radio during their formative years, when they are young and don’t have so many other competing interests.
Looking into the future, for the rest of the century and beyond, we believe that every middle school student in the United States needs to understand the fundamental of radio and electronics, and understand the benefits of Amateur Radio and “what it is all about”.
Our goal with the proposed Amateur Radio Maker License is to get many U.S. middle school students involved in amateur radio and to learn more about the exciting field of radio electronics. If they get to experience the ”Magic of Amateur Radio”, many of them will upgrade and continue to enjoy Amateur Radio throughout their adult lives. It also important that we give these entry-level operators “real privileges” and the opportunity to grow and learn.
Also, we need more of our Amateur Radio bands to be utilized so that we don’t lose these bands to commercial interests. Many wireless and bandwidth providers are “chomping at the bit” to take valuable amateur radio frequencies where there is little or no radio traffic.
It is imperative for the future of Amateur Radio that we get many young people involved in Amateur Radio, gain substantial, increased Amateur Radio licensees and create more traffic on all amateur radio bands. The long-term future of Amateur Radio is at stake and it is important for us to act now to secure the future of Amateur Radio for generations of Amateur Radio operators to come throughout this century. We ask that you give our Proposal serious consideration.
Will Anderson - AA6DD - President - (951) 776-0315 -
Steven Rapata - AC6DX - Vice President -
Fred Plimley - K6GWY - Marketing Officer - (213) 254-5192 –
Kim George - K6YYL - Secretary –
Tom Muller – WA6USA – Membership Coordinator – (951) 500 -9569 –
U.S. Amateur Radio Maker License Proposal
Southern California Six and Ten Meter Radio Club is proposing a new, entry-level U.S. Amateur Radio License and to expand existing Technician License privileges.
1) Proposed Maker License is designed to promote Amateur Radio for middle school students (6th, 7th and 8th grades) and we propose that the program be administered by middle school science instructors and/or VEC examiners, or a combination of both.
2) Proposed Maker License Privileges:
- 21.3 MHz - 21.45 MHz - (15 meters) - 200 watts RF maximum output power - all modes
- 24.89 MHz - 24.99 MHz - (12 meters) - 200 watts RF maximum output power - all modes
- 28.0 MHz - 29.7 MHz - (10 meters) - 200 watts RF maximum output power - all modes
- 50. 0 MHz - 54.0 MHz - (6 meters) - 200 watts RF maximum output power - all modes
3) To earn these privileges and the proposed U.S. Amateur Radio Maker License, the student or other applicant would complete 2 projects – one project would be a simple amateur radio transceiver kit and the other would be a workbook/amateur radio operating manual.
4) The transceiver kit would be crystal controlled and the transceiver will have an output power not to exceed five watts, either a double-sideband or CW transceiver.
5) The applicant will build the radio kit themselves, with instruction or assistance from middle school program teacher and/or ham radio operators assisting the program. The radio kit will include schematics, diagrams and pictures to assist in kit construction. If mistakes are made on kit assembly, applicant will correct errors with assistance until the simple transceiver is operational.
6) Proposed Maker License Workbook will consist of basic electronic instructions about resistors, conductors, capacitors, batteries and all forms of semi-conductors, including explanations concerning how they work.
Workbook will also discuss current flow, power transfer characteristics of devices, magnetism/inductance, electrostatic fields, capacitors and tuned circuits etc.
7) Proposed Maker License workbook will illustrate, as an example how current flow through a resistor changes current flow into heat. There would be pictures and diagrams of what resistors and other electronic components look like, such as the zigzag wiring inside a toaster, for example. Applicants would be asked to draw diagrams of a resistor and other electronic components in the workbook. The manual would help
applicants to be able to draw schematics and understand the characteristics of various electronic components.
8) Proposed Maker License operating manual section would illustrate examples of 15 meter dipoles, transmission lines, transceiver connections, 10 meter and 6 meter vertical Omni antennas and their connections and transmission lines. It would also explain how to read the dial on a transceiver and illustrate what Amateur band sections the proposed Maker Licensee would be allowed to operate on.
9) The Proposed Maker License operating manual section would also stress courtesy and the importance of sharing the radio spectrum. Also, it would include copies of U.S. Amateur band plans, U.S. Amateur License class radio privileges and stress adherence to Amateur Radio rules and regulations.
10) We propose that the applicant would be required to fully complete the open workbook & question pages and correct the several pages of workbook completion test question answers with classroom assistance until the workbook question answers were 100% correct. Successfully completing the workbook and simple radio kit would make the applicant eligible for the proposed U.S. Radio Amateur Maker License.
11) Southern California Six and Ten Meter Radio Club proposes that the middle school instructor would sign and certify applicant completion of the program, along with two certified VEs or if other public program leader, along with three certified VEs and then certification documentation would be sent to the FCC for proposed U.S. Amateur Radio Maker License. We propose that this entry-level license be issued for a period of 10 years and be non-renewable as an incentive to upgrade to more advanced Amateur Radio licenses.
12) Southern California Six and Ten Meter Radio Club also proposes that current U.S. Technician Amateur Radio Licenses be expanded to Include All amateur radio license privileges from 21.3 MHz and above – with full legal-limit power – including all modes.
13) The proposed U.S. Amateur Radio Maker License simple transceiver kit would be determined by VECs, in coordination with middle school teachers and program leaders.
14) Simple radio kit proposed minimum requirements – to consist of a QRP Pixie CW DIY kit with audio side tone or a Forty-9er 3W Ham Radio QRP Kit CW Radio Transmitter etc. – kit specifications would be determined by area VECs.
15) Proposed U.S. Amateur Radio Maker License workbook content, class content and transceiver kit specifications would be determined by VECs, in coordination with middle school teachers and program leaders. It is suggested that some communities or VECs may recommend that their required kits be inexpensive double sideband kits or they may wish other workbook modifications as desired by local programs etc.