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connecting a ts-440s to a manual tuner
Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 2:39 am
by K7WYR
In the past, todo this task with my old alinco dx-70th, i used a short length of 2 conductor wire. I wired a 1/8 inch plug to fit into the key connection on the other end i used a toggle switch to open and close the circuit to run my tuner. This has worked great. Now i have a kenwood ts-440s. I tried this with the ts-440 and it quite after making a terrible noise, i turned it off immediatly, Now the ts-440s is in the repair shop. What i need to know is how to use this set up. thanks for your help
Re: connecting a ts-440s to a manual tuner
Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:09 pm
by w0bkr
Not sure what you are doing here. The TS-400 has the AT-400 optional tuner installed and you have a switch on the radio, in or out in order to use it. Using an external tuner, just use coax cables, radio to tuner, antenna to tuner. That is about it.
Page 15 of the TS-400 instruction manual.
You might elaborate a bit more....
Re: connecting a ts-440s to a manual tuner
Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 4:44 am
by K7WYR
As mentioned in my last post, auto tuner in the ts-440s works great with my ocfd-40 but when i try to use my other antenna which is an end fed vertical in a tree this antenna drives my ts-440 nuts. Thought if i used just one tuner it would make my operating much easier. So that is why i was trying to use just one tuner. My manual tuner worked great with my alinco, so i was trying to duplicate that operation on the kenwood. I had put the 440 in the cw and closed the toggle switch to emulate a key in the closed mode and thats when all heck broke loose. I don't see why this will not work with the ts-440.
You see i live in a mobile home court and have boot-legged these 2 antennas on my property to try to enjoy ham radio. So far i have not caused any trouble to my neighbors with my 100 watts, in fact awhile back on a cold rainy day i was on my roof connecting my ocfd to the coax when somebody called out what are you doing up there, i replied i am putting up an aerial for my short wave, the manager replied don't fall off, anybody your age (79) should not be up there, well maybe i got by this time. Time well tell. Thanks for any help to my delima. Doug K7WYR
Re: connecting a ts-440s to a manual tuner
Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:39 pm
Hi DE kb3lmv
#1 Is your TS 440S equipted with an onboard tuner,If so turn off autotune and bypass tuner (Center & r/h buttons above Mic & headset jacks Because compounding tuners Creates a can of worms.
#2 If the radio & tuner Do Not Like the end fed vertical its possible you have a SEVERE MISMATCH from DAMPNESS in feedline
#3 Try locating an antenna analyzer to check antenna & feedline for problems.
Hope this info is helpful,Good luck & 73
USN ATN 61-67
Re: connecting a ts-440s to a manual tuner
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:07 pm
by K7WYR
The problem has b een solved, thanks for all of your ideas.
Re: connecting a ts-440s to a manual tuner
Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:32 am
Just curious what problem was? I had I had a situation with a 3/8-24 to SO239 fedthru thanks to one of those WONDERFUL CRIMPOn MULTI DIAMETER PL 259' Center Pins. It destroyed the feed thru by bellmouthing the hole.backoff the nut and out falls the cable.
Stupid little things can cause HAIR Loss
73 and happy HAMMING
Paul USN 61-67