free big transmitters...
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 6:36 pm
I can't post for sale here as I am not a licensed ham.. but two very large transmitters will hit the dump if nobody gets them... at least four feet tall... nearly a thousand pounds... hard to say as I can't weigh anything this heavy... were working when removed from operation a decade ago.. a ham from his shack... his widow sold it all to me for a song as she could not clean out his shack..was going to pay someone to put it on the curb! and now the next location is being renovated... Eimac 1000 finals... one looks purchased, one looks DIY.... giant iron.. big caps.. you guys know the routine.. located in Catskill, NY... I only have a day or two... and no proper vehicle... any help appreciated...
experiencemusic "at" hotmail "dot" com
experiencemusic "at" hotmail "dot" com