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Beware ...SCAM

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:42 pm
by John Dinubilo
:( To all amateur radio operators "Hams", LOOKOUT for he made this up too!). CAUTION: do not repeat do not deal with this client? ...its a SCAM. This is how he works, eagerf to buy your product in your ad, dieing to buy it is a better term, in addition he want you to take care of all the paper work, in which he will pay you another money amount, and he will give what it cost plus running around the paper work and he will send you a certified cashier check which is really an outstanding in cost. When you get the check, you cash it(its phony), keep your amount and sent the rest to the shipper. Never gives names nor call signs...nothing! Matter of fact, on Channal 9 in Los Angeles, the same SCAM was seen very similar. It was on news last night and today. SO...ALL BEWARE AND DON'T BE I almost was suckered in. It was too phony so I cancel out. STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES......
73 John N0JD