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Hookup cables for a ft101e
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:00 am
by lewis
Looking for hookup cables for ft101e to yc 601 and back to fv101. also looking for the 8 pin male and female connectors to make the cables.
thanks Lew wb0lrc
Re: Hookup cables for a ft101e
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:59 pm
by k9yli
I am guessing but '8 pin' says to me standard vacuum tubes..
So bust up a tube with all 8 pins and de-solder the pins.. and perhaps a tube socket for the other end as needed. Bakelite sockets are best. Junk box is your friend..Never throw nuttin' away..
or if you are dispirit RADIODAZE .com lots of old radio stuff.