Attempted Purchase with KD7RJ Ronald Gould/ NOT GOOD!

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Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2019 1:22 am

Attempted Purchase with KD7RJ Ronald Gould/ NOT GOOD!

Post by mscott »

Buyer Beware, tried to purchase a Elecraft KX1 from this guy, was willing to give him more than asking price to cover insurance. He insisted on me sending money via paypal as friend or gift, and I mean Insisted! Makes No Sense! If you cannot look him in the eye, DON’T BUY!!
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Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2019 4:17 pm

Re: Attempted Purchase with KD7RJ Ronald Gould/ NOT GOOD!

Post by KD7RJ »

Mark Scott K$JUT the gentleman is confused:

The listing was for a Elecraft kx3
The listing price said firm
He was told either PayPal Gift or Postal Money Order
He needed additional pictures which were provided and he's was asked if they were provided and they looked good, would he purchase. I provided more than 5 and he agreed that the radio looked good.
He low balled at $1100, listed for $1220; another example he does not read well
Then he wants me to pay for his insurance, I told him no, you want it you pay for it.
After about a dozen emails at a phone call he agrees to purchase (He sounded stoned)
He then says "He does not want to use PayPal gift, never offers to send Postal MO
I have sold hundreds of radio equipment on QTH, first complaint and he really was not a buyer.
Insurance would have been quoted at actual, cost probably less than he offered
He told me I was"unreasonable", I suggest he take an english class.
Then he wants me to take PayPal, I said no
After attempting to call him, he never answers the phone.
He backs out completely and threatens to post derogatory things about me
Waist time with this gentlemen at your own peril!
Transcripts of all emails with this transaction, that never occurred, are available upon request.
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