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As of Dec 9, 2013: ONLY BUYERS AND SELLERS directly involved with a transaction can post here. Do not post replies in any topic if you are not the buyer or seller in the transaction being discussed! If you believe you can help the buyer or seller, please use the Private Message system to communicate with them. NOTE: if you have been scammed by someone pretending to be a ham, please post in the Scammer Reports forum instead. See viewtopic.php?f=2&t=136 for additional rules.
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Posts: 50
Joined: Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:43 pm
Location: S.W. Arizona


Post by W7USN »

Just completed a trade with Steve and it went very smoothly.
I would not hesitate to trade with Steve again. Gear was as
advertised, packed well and shipped quickly. :D
Thank you Steve.

73 John
"The irony of the information age is that it has given new respectability to uninformed opinion" John Lawton
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