WZ1U Steve

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Posts: 84
Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:39 pm
Location: fair lawn, nj

WZ1U Steve

Post by w2hp »

Just completed a transaction from WZ1U Steve. Purchased a Tailtwister Rotor and Control box. Exactly as stated and OH BOY what a packing job. It could survive a war! Now what is even more important is, It got here in a day. 400 miles away and shipped in a day. SUPER. A@A@A@++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thank you Steve. de W2HP
Posts: 29
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:22 am

Good Buyer: W2HP Pete

Post by wz1u »

Sold Pete a Tailtwister rotor with a control box and payment was made with a personal check...Shipped it out before it cleared. He is good no problem and would sell to him again in the future....Thanks Pete......Steve
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