Pay Pal Buyer - Beware

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Posts: 413
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:27 pm

Pay Pal Buyer - Beware

Post by w0bkr »

Not quite honest. Agreed upon a final price, as seller, I would pick up shipping, insurance and packing and as Sell WA5CB was to send a total amount. What he did was exclude the minuscule PP fee and then try to short me on the total. When confronted, made up story how as a seller, I have to, which would be okay, had I agreed to that. In short, tried to short me on the required total amount and pass it off on seller's responsibility when he stated HE wanted to USE PP. Oh well, encounter one ever day. I kept my item. He is not worthy of low balling it further then he did ($30-40 in packing, shipping and insurance) so another discount, not worth it.
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