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Posts: 413
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:27 pm


Post by w0bkr »

Sold a radio to W2FDW, stated sending a payment following day. Boxed up radio and got it ready to go, three days no email or phone call, so sent emails about payment just to get an idea when to expect payment so I know when to anticipate shipping. Nothing.

Finally, 3 days later after another inquiry get told he bought another radio instead but had sent me an email to that effect. Bogus. I have all his emails, not such email received.

If you consider doing business with this non paying buyer, wait until you get a real payment, then box it up. Now I have to unbox, tearing up what I had for shipping which will cost me again when I do ship to a real buyer. Just don't assume this guy is honest with you when he commits:

I'll get to the post office today and pick up a Postal Money Order and send it priority mail with delivery confirmation.

how will you be shipping? And finally, do you have a phone number you would like to share?

Both 3 days ago and NOTHING about purchasing something different. So beware.
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