W5INC posted an Icom SP-20 speaker for sale.
I thought we had a problem because at 3 days he said he didn't receive the money order i mailed... at 7 days he said he still didn't receive it... that was the last i heard from him... does not respond to emails... i though i got ripped off... 2 weeks went by with no contact and no tracking number...
Then today out of the blue FEDEX delivers the speaker... inside is his QSL card with a note that says, "Pay it forward." Enclosed is my money order!
W5INC gave me the speaker!!! I'm freaking out... no one has ever given me anything. The kindness of a stranger is greater that that of my own family... I'm humbled... Thank you W5INC... you'll never know what your action mean to me...
W5INC - UPDATE: Great Guy
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Re: W5INC - UPDATE: Great Guy
Lets get the story really straight here Harry. I emailed you on the morning of 05/17/2020 informing you of the fact that your MO finally arrived late Saturday afternoon. Here is a copy of that Email.
Then we have this email from you on Tuesday of last week.
Harry <harrytgolden@gmail.com>
Tue 5/19/2020 7:22 PM
i'm going to the post office in the morning and filing a 6401 on the money order... you should have received it last week...
On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 6:13 AM Harry <harrytgolden@gmail.com> wrote:
did you get it yet?
i just received a letter from vermont... mailed on the 12th received on the 16th... i can't see it taking longer to go from az to tx...
Then we have this email from Harry that was delivered 1 day before he received his speaker for free, along with me picking up the shipping costs. I guess this is from the no good deed goes unpunished school of thought.

Then on the morning of 05/18/2020 you were emailed this response once again.Mike Gregort
Sun 5/17/2020 7:09 AM
Harry, you USPS MO got here late yesterday afternoon. So much for the fast service from the PO, but these are different times we nw are living in. I will send out the SP-20 tomorrow. Enjoy, 73s DE W5INC Mike
So you were contacted last Monday once again, informing you of the fact your MO was received.Mike Gregort
Mon 5/18/2020 8:06 AM
This was sent to you yesterday morning, Mike
From: Mike Gregort <houstonvett@hotmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2020 7:09 AM
To: Mike Gregort <houstonvett@hotmail.com>
Cc: Mike Gregort <houstonvett@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: QTH.COM Ad -- Icom SP-20 speaker...
Harry, you USPS MO got here late yesterday afternoon. So much for the fast service from the PO, but these are different times we nw are living in. I will send out the SP-20 tomorrow. Enjoy, 73s DE W5INC Mike
Then we have this email from you on Tuesday of last week.
Harry <harrytgolden@gmail.com>
Tue 5/19/2020 7:22 PM
i'm going to the post office in the morning and filing a 6401 on the money order... you should have received it last week...
On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 6:13 AM Harry <harrytgolden@gmail.com> wrote:
did you get it yet?
i just received a letter from vermont... mailed on the 12th received on the 16th... i can't see it taking longer to go from az to tx...
Then we have this email from Harry that was delivered 1 day before he received his speaker for free, along with me picking up the shipping costs. I guess this is from the no good deed goes unpunished school of thought.
So how the 2 week time frame described up above came about is sheer BS, coming from a person who apparently can't hold their water very well, or maybe a little stir crazy from the 19 virus endeavor. Sometimes you just can't win.Harry <harrytgolden@gmail.com>
Tue 5/19/2020 7:22 PM
i'm going to the post office in the morning and filing a 6401 on the money order... you should have received it last week...
On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 6:13 AM Harry <harrytgolden@gmail.com> wrote:
did you get it yet?
i just received a letter from vermont... mailed on the 12th received on the 16th... i can't see it taking longer to go from az to tx...

Re: W5INC - UPDATE: Great Guy
Harry <harrytgolden@gmail.com>
Thu 5/21/2020 6:43 AM
i haven't heard from you since may 15... six days ago... i have to assume at this point you've ripped me off even though i trusted you...
do you have anything to say for yourself? mail fraud is a serious offence