W8EK and a hm36
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:09 pm
W8EK, had a bad experience with this seller. I see many people have had good experiences with him but not me. Sat on my check for 10 days or more and he told me up front that could take that long but with today's electronic transfers I just have a hard time believing this. The check cleared my bank the day after he deposited but he waited 10 more days claiming his bank puts a 10 day hold on all checks. If you research bank procedures this is just not true in today's world unless it is a large amount. $38 is not. Then the mic he said was not sure were it was made is one of the cheap Chinese model hm36 that are 15 dollars on Ebay and Amazon all day with free shipping. Said it worked good on his 2 meter radio but barely works on my ic 725 or 728 on ssb. Many complaints on these cheap Chinese mics all over the net. Pretty sure he knew what it was to start with but 38 bucks down the drain. I asked him to open it up and see if it was a 2 wire or 3 wire element, the Japanese models are 3 wire the Chinese are 2 wire but he just ignored me. Should have not taken the chance after that. My fault for trusting. A good seller would offer to refund my money and take the mic back.