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Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 9:36 pm
by Terry
You have received a response to your ad, titled "ICOM-IC737 AND SM-20
MIC F/S ONLY", that you have running on the QTH.COM Free Ham Radio
Classified Ads.

The response is from:

Name: Jim Rogers
Callsign: 8033957635

The response is:

I would like to purchase this item as a matter of urgency and I wish to
send you a US Certified Cashiers Check for the sales of this item.This
item will be sent to my girlfriend in London,United Kingdom.

The Check will include the cost for the sales of your item plus the
shipping cost to London,UK.I would like to include an extra money which
you will be helping me to send to my girlfriend in London in order to pay
for her school fees via Western Union.

I am making this type arrangement because I am presently in France for
an official assignment and I really do not have enough cash to send to
her via Western Union.

I would like to know if you could be able to send her the funds on my
behalf.Funds will be sent to her after you might have cashed the check
and deducted the funds for the sales of your item.Okay?

I am a Christain and would not do anything illegal that will tarnish my
name and family reputation.I would like to ask you few questions before
we proceed :

- can I trust you with the excess money on the check ?

- will you be abel to wire her the funds once you recieve the payment ?

If you would like to proceed with this transaction,Kindly send me your
name and address as soon as posible so that I can issue the check and
have it mailed out asap.

Upon recieving you mesage,I shall have the payment sent out asap but I
need your full name, address and phone number to mail out the Check.

God bless you.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 5:44 am
by kc0uws
I have gotten almost the exact same message, except this guy was saying that he would want to the item sent to his girlfriend in New York City. I was posting a wanted and this dude was asking about buying an item from me for an item I was wanting! very weird.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 4:20 pm
by kb9vxq
This guy is not only a scum sucking scammer but he's trying to hide behind God to do it by claiming to be a Christian. Look close and you'll see he don't even know how to spell Christian correctly.

I'd hate to be in his shoes on judgement day!!