Beware of W4XQ especially selling a TS-2000

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Beware of W4XQ especially selling a TS-2000

Post by KD2TCQ »

I purchased a TS-2000 from W4XQ - it was advertised as "excellent condition, fully operational" - when received it powered on but did not transmit or receive on ANY band.

The issues are shown in these videos:

I sent several emails, including these videos showing the issues and only got one reply: "Check to make sure you have the correct antenna selected. That’s my best guess. The radio was working 100% here. "

I eventually escalated to a case with PayPal, I shipped the radio back and received a full refund.

I see that the RADIO HAS BEEN RE-LISTED here by the same seller that I returned it to, LISTED IN EXCELLENT CONDITION (though nothing is said about it being operational) - based on the serial number listed in the ad (with the last 2 characters blocked out) it is the EXACT SAME UNIT.

I hope this can help someone else avoid the same headache I went through for nearly a month. Thankfully I got my money back.
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Re: Beware of W4XQ especially selling a TS-2000

Post by W4XQ »

I have been buying and selling radios on this site for years, NEVER had a complaint until this guy. The radio was 100% operational when I shipped it. He somehow blew the finals in it, shipped it back and got PayPal to issue a refund. It has been repaired and is being offered for sale again. Search my call sign in this forum and you’ll see a positive post or two dating back as far as 2007. Never a negative review with the exception of this guy. Ever.
Steve W4XQ
"Life Is Short. Eat Your Dessert First."
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