I just received my new IC-2730A and much to my surprise, mostly due to my failure to 'carefully' read and under stand the description I find I have a rig that I will need to invest another $85 dollars in attachments to make this rig useful to me.
Out of the box the face can not be attached to the radio body without buying the IC-MBA-4 @ $50.00 used to attach radio face to radio main body.
Radio comes without a mobile mounting bracket IC-MBF-4 costing $35.00. Don't forget to buy 4 mounting screws costing another $3.00.
For me head separation is a useless feature. Microphone plugs into the radio main body meaning the radio must be located within 2 or 3 feet of the operator. Being able to remotely mount the radio face 11 feet away from the radio main body is 'for me' a useless feature. To make the radio useful I have been forced to invest an additional $85.00 in mounting hardware.
IC-2730A - Un-Happy Buyer
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