Outut Power Drop

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Outut Power Drop

Post by W8FCD »

Back in year-2013, I posted a question regarding a drop in output power when working PSK-31 but received no successful suggestions. I’m using a SignaLink-USB with Fldigi software and the rig is a Yaesu FTdx5000. Problem is that the output power drops over a short period of time. It can be set at 25 watts and in about 5 minutes the output drops to about 20 watts. After say, 10 minutes, it drops to about 15 watts. The power drops without me making any changes whatsoever, it occurs during a qso without changing frequency and it drops even if I’m not in a qso, just drops on its own. The power from the rig remains constant at 25 watts so I know it’s not the rig and the SignaLink-USB was sent back to Tigertronics and checked out as being ok. Just for the heck of it, I used DigiPan software and the same issue occurs. Any ideas? Tnx, 73 W8FCD Steve
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