W8QW excellent seller. Great transaction!!!!

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Posts: 29
Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:47 am

W8QW excellent seller. Great transaction!!!!

Post by N8ECH »

I had placed an ad in search of some heliax. Dave, W8QW responded, and an agreement was reached. I would be picking the cable up at his QTH, several months later when on an annual trip to MI from OH. I offered to send a deposit, but Dave said that was not necessary.
I made it to Dave's QTH this past Saturday 9/18, and was very pleasantly greeted. We had a nice, hour long chat about our stations, Dayton/Xenia, and ham radio in general. It was like I was visiting a relative I had known for years.
The heliax was exactly as he described it, and priced for a ham budget. I would recommend him in an instant, and have no worries what so ever.
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