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N4DXX Alert

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 2:02 pm
by 2175Gorp
Originally gave Howard a bad review. My bad. The 6146 finals had come loose during shipping (and he packs very well). Mea culpa. Sorry, Howard.

Re: N4DXX Alert

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 2:47 pm
by n4dxx
I have no words..this guy says it recieves beautifully and well packed..I used this radio daily for months,He says it has no tubes?I don't have a clue as to what he is talking about..I told him he had to remove the metal sheild to see the tubes and sockets..WOW Is all i can say,,Read this

I opened up your carefully packaged box. You were right, extra care in packing pays off. The rig looks great and received signals beautifully this morning.

Unfortunately, there is no RF output. I’ve checked and re-checked connections, made sure the neutralization switch was on, etc., and still no go. I’m not a great technician but before I send it out for repair is there something I should look at? Perhaps the last work you did, that might have come loose or something? I don’t have a tube tester. Any ideas you have are greatly appreciated.


Then i got this
I just opened the top of the rig. There are no final tubes! Or even sockets!

I am speechless. Ham radio used to be a fraternity where honesty and dependability were hallmarks.

Even without the characteristics of ham radio operators, your dishonesty leaves me speechless. Why a human being would do this to another human is beyond belief. I am truly sorry our paths even crossed.

Re: N4DXX Alert

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 2:55 pm
by n4dxx
He never even gave me a chance to offer any help nor try and work with him..Or even offer a re fund if he was not happy..I guess he could not wait to get on here and try to ruin my good standing..You can keep it pal..I told the truth that radio worked 100%

Re: N4DXX Alert

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 4:45 pm
by n4dxx

My bad. I am so sorry. As you probably figured out by now I am an idiot when it comes to opening up rigs and trying to see what’s wrong. It scares the hell out of me.

The 6146’s had loosened and one of them was almost out of the socket entirely.

I don’t know how to save face with you, but you have my complete and unadulterated apologies.

All is well now Issue's resolved See above e-mail