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Collins 32s-3 VFO Problems

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:07 am
by ka4lbi
Hello all, this my first go-round with this forum so bear with me.... I am attempting a repair on a 32s-3 transmitter and moving trough the block diagram and the schematic, I got to the first mixer V4a and at pin 2 and pin 7 of the 12at7 in transmit mode, all I have is 455 khz. and no VFO input resulting in no 3.155 to 2.995 Mhz out put to T1. I tried to trace the output of the VFO V301 but the tube socket pins are not available for testing. the multiconductor cable that come from the 70K-2 assembly has coaxial line that goes to the device behind the Frequency Control Selector Switch. when I select the Transmitter VFO selection where is the best place to measure the output of the VFO? Respectfully, Brooks Barnes KA4LBI