AL7PX Wasted my time - acting odd about paypal - something is off here

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Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:58 pm

AL7PX Wasted my time - acting odd about paypal - something is off here

Post by K9RLB »

AL7PX ( Todd Hansen (or someone pretending to be?) Wasted my time - acting odd about paypal.
He is selling an FT-102.
His ad said PayPal - I bought / Paid.
Paypal was suspicious ( about him?) and put a hold on the funds until he shipped ( has nothing to do with me, between him and PayPal )
He said he wouldn't ship, then next day called paypal, then said all was okay - - even sent me pics of boxes - -
SO now, after all of this, he decided he just can't do it - wants a money order - refunded payment - -
I committed in good faith, paid in manner requested on ad - none of this makes sense.
I won't sent a money order to someone I don't know (not that much $) - something is off here - something not right - - why want paypal, then not accept paypal, after saying you won't, then you will, then you won't again - - if he is an honest seller, and has been honest about sending a radio as he described - why act like this? Maybe the whole thing is a scam game - no way for me to know the real truth. But, I do know acting fishy when it's right in front of me. I should have took notice when he wanted to switch email accounts we were communicating with - no one on here has ever done that one before.
Posts: 122
Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:58 pm

Re: AL7PX Wasted my time - acting odd about paypal - something is off here

Post by K9RLB »

His follow up email had this "Sorry you feel that way Rob. I guess you don't trust me either. Or even better, you planned on trying the screw a seller."

Can you believe the nerve of this guy?

So, he is saying here that since he refunded my Payment after all of this - since I wouldn't send a money order instead - that I am "trying to screw the seller" .....................

There is obviously a serious issue with this person - Good luck to anyone who responds to his repost of the Yaesu.
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