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N9MQN. Liar and cheat.
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 12:06 am
by Kx4aa
Bought a amp he said put out 200 watts and kicked a 35 amp supply out. I got it and no output, the driver board was disconnected?? No way it could have worked. I ask him to return or partial pay, to have it repaired. He insinuated I burned it up. He did say send it back for a refund AFTER he checked it. I ask for a prepaid FedEx shipping label, he refused. I felt I would loose the amp and my money
Think twice before dealing with Jack Gibbons of Illinois. N9mQn He also has bad marks on here and other trading sights.
Re: N9MQN. Liar and cheat.
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:52 pm
by n9mqn
i sold les hunter kx4aa an amplifier from my ad here on qth,we talked on the phone made a deal and he sent me the money for the amp,i packed the amp and shipped it the same day,the next day after receiving the amp he sent me an email stating it did not work and sent me a picture of a wire dissconnected on a board,then stated that if i sent him $50 he would keep the amp and not give me bad feedback,i said no return the amp for a refund,he then sent me another email stating he did this and that to the amp and still could not get it working,sent email back telling him not to tinker with it as i have no way of knowing what he is doing and want no futher damage to it,then crickets untill today,i do not give in to extortion tactics and he made good on his threat,i have all the emails for scott to see,his mistrust has blinded him,dont know what else to do,offering a refund is not good enough,i just might sold it to a scammer?
Re: N9MQN. Liar and cheat.
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:46 pm
by Kx4aa
All he said was true, except I'm a scammer, he sent the amp and even in the original photo he sent, when super sized the photo the driver boards was disconnected? But he said it put out 200 watts until the 35 amp supply kicked out. At this point I was he was gonna keep the amp and my money, what was to prevent it?? If he lied in the beginning. I ask for a FedEx shipping label
He said he wasn't sending me a dime.
He did say, send it back for a full refund,but no pre-paid shipping label. I'm a 32nd degree Master Mason and Past Master.
Check his track record against mine on QTH. i will not reply anymore to this post.