Quite a long time ago I bought a used Yaesu MH-1B8 mic for a back up. It came, I briefly tested function, and put it away. When the day came I wanted to really use it - I found a surprise - I sounded like I had a stuffy nose, but I didn't. Upon opening the mic looking for a loose wire I found the culprit. The element had been removed and swapped for some oddball looking creature. I knew I had been taken by a part swapper, or had I?
I put the mic away, it did look nice. Later I ran across one missing the front metal screen, so I bought it. That's mic fixed #1. Later another nice one came along, but cord was dry rotted, breaking... that's mic #2 fixed. Tonight I took a mic that worked fine but the back case was cracked, so the mic from long ago came back to fix #3. So, some seller sold me a parts swapped mic - and that mic had fixed 3 others, and has more parts to give.