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Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 1:56 am
I am just going to copy paste dialog via email on purchase of a Yaesu FTM-400XDR..

So am I just Sour Grapes or victim of a Con Artist?

Tim Harris
Dec 4, 2021, 3:49 PM (5 days ago)
to Joe

Good Afternoon Joe,
I am worried..
The radio arrived today doubled boxed and looked good.
I have the same radio in my car so I have the RT programming software on hand.
The radio you sent me will NOT program. I did everything according to RT and the owner's manual.
Before I get too excited I wanted to first contact you and see what your thoughts are.
I have exhausted all corrective measures and request a refund of the purchased price of $425.00
Please advise
Tim Harris

Joe Grib
Dec 4, 2021, 7:37 PM (5 days ago)
to me

Hello Tim,

I am sorry you're having issues with programming the radio. I never used any software to program the radio nor have I ever done any upgrades to the OS that runs the radio. So that is what I'd do first is look towards repairing the problem which would be updating the OS that the radio is operating on. You may want to look at Yaesu's website to see what files are available and maybe ask them for some technical advice on how to do this..

Second, I'd call RT systems on Monday and see what they say regarding what OS is required for their systems.. Again, I have no information nor knowledge of the requirements for the radio to be programmed by their software. As I said above, I've never used any programming software since we have about a dozen or so repeaters in my area and it takes as much time to punch these into a program as it would just to enter them manually.

I checked the radio for standard operation before the radio was reset to new. The radio was in operating condition putting out the prescribed power in my ad when it was sent.

May I also remind you this is a USED piece of gear. I am not a dealer, nor did I ever claim this was new or in any way sold with any type of warranty and would be unaware of all the possibilities of issues that may arrive. This was my own personal piece of gear. and It was clearly stated in the ad that the radio was sold as is with no returns, so in this case a refund isn't going to happen. See a copy of the ad below....


Listing Number: 1566818
Date Ad was Placed: 11/29/21
Name: Joe Grib
Phone Number: email only
Callsign: KI3B
Category: RADIOVHF
Heading: Yaesu FTM-400XDR
Ad Message:
Yaesu FT-400XDR for sale. Serial number 5M340XXX. Original Box, book, interconnecting cable, mike, screws, head bracket, power cord and face bracket. Puts out about 40 or so watts UHF, 55 or so VHF. No returns, sold as is. $425 firm, shipped.


I'm afraid this will upset you a bit, but I did my best to represent the radio in the best possible light and it was in working condition when it was sold with all the accessories I claimed would be in the package when it was sent. By your email you have verified that the radio is working even though it will not communicate with your programming software.
I'm sorry for the problems you are having,

Tim Harris
Dec 4, 2021, 7:47 PM (5 days ago)
to Joe

Thank you for your response.
Although I know the OS system of MY radio which is the same model as the one purchased from you. The radio will not program via RT which we both know is the standard. I will try again tomorrow to manually enter frequencies but if it continues to fail I will have no choice but to make a claim with QTH and PayPal
The radio currently DOES NOT OPERATE
I thought buying from a fellow ham would be safe but I guess not.


MISC - Yaesu SCU-20 PC Connection Cable [​IMG]
This is a PC Connection cable used on some of the FTM-400 series radios (check your book or google it). Never used it myself, I obtained it as part of a package. I believe this is no longer available from Yaesu. Sold as is, shipped via USPS Priority Mail for $45.00 Firm. No returns. I accept USPS MO, or personal check. (Unit is shipped after your check clears). Any questions let me know. Happy Holidays, Joe
Listing #1567073 - Submitted on 12/01/21 by Callsign KI3B, Modified on 12/06/21 - IP:
Click to Contact -- Click Here to View Picture -- Send this Ad to a Friend

And THIS is the mindset of THIS SITE'S Owner:

Scott Neader KA9FOX <>
Mon, Dec 13, 8:48 PM (2 days ago)
to me, Joe

Tim, this is a blatant abuse of the PayPal buyer protection feature, as the radio was clearly listed "sold as is". Further, nothing was mentioned in the ad about anything to do with programming, nor did you ask if the programming feature worked, if this was important to know before you purchased this as-is item.

I waited to do anything with this, thinking that PayPal would judge in Joe's favor, since he showed them a copy of the ad, but PayPal does almost always side with the buyer, even when it's wrong to do so, like in this case.

I've blocked you from using the Classifieds in the future and I'd appreciate it if you'd go to one of the other classified sites in the future and stay away from the Classifieds.

- Scott KA9FOX

Tim Harris
Mon, Dec 13, 9:12 PM (2 days ago)
I agree with you.
You have no concerns for buyers! If the radio can’t be programmed, it doesn’t work! Period as is broken KD8KZC

I recommend you to not walk away, BUT RUN AWAY FROM KI3B the Rip Off King!~



Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 1:09 am
by ki3b
Well, now that you've thrown your little temper tantrum.....

Since obviously you can't read... Please let me quote from the sale ad you copied up in your post "NO RETURNS, SOLD AS IS". I guess you either can't read or can't understand what sold as is means huh?

Also, another little fun fact.... YOU went to PayPal and had them give you the money back. I sold this radio as is which was clearly stated. So you forced them to renig on a sale that was clearly marked AS IS because you couldn't figure it out even though I made suggestions about contacting Yaesu and RT Systems to see if they could offer any help. You were the one that initiated a suit against me with PayPal.

So after you "won" your little suit and it was returned, I got it out of the box and hooked it up.

This is what I found.....

Powered up just fine.
After I entered my callsign the screen came up as normal.
Checked receive both in and out of the normal VHF/UHF bands, worked fine
Checked transmit power in the normal VHF/UHF bands, as I stated in the ad
Wrote some frequencies to memory both VHF / UHF bands, again, worked just fine
Had a few long QSO's with my buddies on both VHF and UHF (and these guys are critical as heck if your signal isn't up to par) again, worked just fine....

SO, if I'm such the "rip off King" as you so blatantly put it, tell me Mr. Wizard, why is it I could get it to power up, receive and transmit OK, store stuff in memory, etc. etc. etc.?? Maybe you gave up just because your whiz-bang computer couldn't talk to it?

Here's one more little fun fact, doesn't this radio have a SD card slot in it to STORE THE FREQUENCIES IN MEMORY?? COULDN'T YOU SAVE EVERYTHING IN MEMORY FROM THE ONE RADIO IN USE AND TRANSFER IT TO THIS ONE IF THE COMPUTER WOULDN'T TALK TO IT??? Geeze, I guess you didn't think of that one huh??

Here's a few little suggestions for you...

First off, don't buy used. If you want a guarantee with something that's returnable, then always buy new.

Number two: some of us who have been in the hobby for a while understand that sometimes you need to work with hardware and software to get it to work. There was no reason why this radio couldn't work for you, all you had to do was take the time to manually program it since your computer software wouldn't talk to the radio or use the SD card feature as I said above. Not as if it blew up on you when you powered it on or blew power supply fuses even before it was turned on. Didn't look like the "golden screwdriver" was taken to the rig. It wasn't a Motorola which needs special proprietary software and cables to program. There was no reason why anyone couldn't program this thing without a computer.

Number three: People put stuff in ads to protect themselves against people who would rip them off by swapping parts, or operating the radio into poor antenna systems, etc. If someone puts SOLD AS IS, that's what it means. SOLD AS IS. Don't like it? Then DON'T BUY IT!! Plain and simple. No one forced you to do a dammed thing regarding this radio.

Number Four: Going to buy something? ASK QUESTIONS. No reason why you couldn't have asked me about the history of the rig, how I used it, whether I ever used it for WIRES, how it was programmed, if it was ever hooked up with a computer, etc. etc. etc. No, you just jumped on the wagon to buy it with no questions other than if it was available. THATS YOUR FAULT, NOT MINE. I had nothing to hide. I would have been very willing to give you all the history I knew. If the seller was vague with his answers or ignored your questions, then you have the choice to continue or run from the sale. Again, IT'S UP TO YOU!!

So next time you decide to buy something, take a moment or two to ask some questions before you're so fast with your credit card. Maybe you'll save both the seller and you from some headaches and keep you from looking foolish as you've already done a very good job of.

Lastly, I'd be dammed careful about what I post on the internet. It wouldn't take much to have a slander lawsuit placed against you and in your profession, especially since you used a work computer email to contact me, that could have some very serious implications for you if I was to contact your employer. I don't like being slandered across the internet any more than anyone else and if you'd check my status on this board, there was never a problem before YOU came along, so who's really the problem here??? Don't think it's me.....

I do my best to treat everyone fairly, and to honestly post ads about equipment that I'm selling. If it has a problem I know of, I don't have a problem saying what they are, but I don't have a $100,000 electronics lab either. I have lots of radios, HF, VHF, UHF, DMR, D-Star, Fusion, Commercial, etc. etc. etc. and I can honestly guarantee you I've haven't checked every switch, every port, every connecter on all my radios. As would anyone else who's been in the hobby for 40+ years.

So, you won your suit, you got your money back, now go away.....


Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 6:18 pm
Don't sell broken junk and you won't have to worry about refunds..
You are trying to imply that I did you wrong but in reality, you sold a radio that wouldn't program manually, boot from SD Card or via RT systems.
All I posted was our dialog and what my experience with you being a seller was.
You did try to sell a broken radio and Pay Pal saw through your "as is" "No RETURNS" bull crap as to screw someone over.
then you threaten me with this:
I'd be dammed careful about what I post on the internet. It wouldn't take much to have a slander lawsuit placed against you and in your profession, especially since you used a work computer email to contact me, that could have some very serious implications for you if I was to contact your employer.

Ha Ha Go ahead and threaten my livelihood over YOU selling broken junk.. Operators are standing by..

You attack my character as having a "Temper Tantrum" or "Mr. Wizard" I am a REALTOR and FIREMAN/RESCUE, People contact me when they desperately need someone who
Thats where you and I are different, I can be trusted!~