I sold a Yaesu FTM-400 series mobile rig to Mr Harris. He answered my ad regarding the radio’s purchase, but the only conversation I ever had with hm before the sale was if the radio was available or not. He never asked about the condition of the radio, or it’s history, what I did with the radio, if I was the original owner, etc.. All he wanted was to be the first to buy it.
In the ad I put the output power since 440 was running a bit lower than the radio was supposed to do, but had no claims about it’s operation because I honestly never used it that much or tried to hook up a computer to program this radio, nor was involved with any of the WIRES linking, etc. So honestly I had no idea of the condition of the radio other than seeing it light up as I expected it would and transmitting to check the power output, and completely resetting the radio before shipment as most people would do. So for all intents and purposes it was working when it was shipped to Mr Harris.
In my ad I had the statement clearly placed which read “no returns, sold as is” but nothing about it’s operation except for the power output readings I observed. I never tried to program it since I don’t have the software nor had hooked it up to WIRES. So honestly I didn’t know.
I was notified a few days later that Mr Harris had received the radio but had trouble programming the radio with his computer and demanded his money back. I offered him some suggestions, but I neither had any experience with this software he was using (RT Systems), nor had tested it by trying to program it as stated above. I suggested he contact Yaesu to see if he had the latest operating system of the radio and contact RT Systems to see if they had any suggestions or knew of any issues. Even though I also pointed out in my email that it was sold with the clause “no returns, sold as is” and apologized for his issues. He ignored my suggestions and stated he was going to put a claim in against me with PayPal since I wouldn’t refund his money.
He then proceeded to enter a case with PayPal who eventually ruled in his favor even though I sent them the original ad and the terms of the sale clearly stated. Evidently they normally rule in favor of the buyer so for sellers, so be aware that you’re taking a BIG chance selling with PayPal. No matter what wording you use in the ad, “as is”, “no returns”, no refunds” guess it doesn’t matter to PayPal…. You as the seller are wrong no matter what….
So I got the radio back today. It was packed as it was sent so I can’t complain there, but I hooked the radio up, entered my call sign and the radio came right up as expected. I checked the receive both in band and out of band on both the VHF and UHF bands, working OK. Checked the transmitter, power level was the same as I sent it, wrote a few items into memory both VHF and UHF, worked just fine. Had a rather long QSO on 2 meters and 440 with a few buddies of mine, again, no problems, audio nice and crystal clear….
So, just because this thing wouldn’t “talk” to his computer, obviously it was defective, a real problem child… I sent him a lemon in his eyes…. In his words “I expected that I could deal safely with another ham, guess I was wrong”. Hmmmm….. Sounds like a case of Pilot Error to me…
In closing, I’d be extremely careful dealing with him in the future and especially selling anything using PayPal, because he’ll turn them against you if he’s not happy with the transaction no matter how you try to protect yourself. Personally I wouldn’t sell Mr Harris a stick of gum. IMHO he should stick to buying new gear with a manufacturers warranty.
Poor Buyer Tim Harris KD8KZC
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As of Dec 9, 2013: ONLY BUYERS AND SELLERS directly involved with a transaction can post here. Do not post replies in any topic if you are not the buyer or seller in the transaction being discussed! If you believe you can help the buyer or seller, please use the Private Message system to communicate with them. NOTE: if you have been scammed by someone pretending to be a ham, please post in the Scammer Reports forum instead. See viewtopic.php?f=2&t=136 for additional rules.
As of Dec 9, 2013: ONLY BUYERS AND SELLERS directly involved with a transaction can post here. Do not post replies in any topic if you are not the buyer or seller in the transaction being discussed! If you believe you can help the buyer or seller, please use the Private Message system to communicate with them. NOTE: if you have been scammed by someone pretending to be a ham, please post in the Scammer Reports forum instead. See viewtopic.php?f=2&t=136 for additional rules.
Re: Poor Buyer Tim Harris KD8KZC
Don't sell broken junk and you won't have to worry about refunds..
You are trying to imply that I did you wrong but in reality, you sold a radio that wouldn't program manually, boot from SD Card or via RT systems.
All I posted was our dialog and what my experience with you being a seller was.
You did try to sell a broken radio and Pay Pal saw through your "as is" bull crap as to screw someone over.
then you threaten me with this:
You attack my character as having a "Temper Tantrum" or "Mr. Wizard" I am a REALTOR and FIREMAN/RESCUE, People contact me when they desperately need someone who THEY CAN TRUST TO HELP THEM ..
Thats where you and I are different, I can be trusted!~
You are trying to imply that I did you wrong but in reality, you sold a radio that wouldn't program manually, boot from SD Card or via RT systems.
All I posted was our dialog and what my experience with you being a seller was.
You did try to sell a broken radio and Pay Pal saw through your "as is" bull crap as to screw someone over.
then you threaten me with this:
I'd be dammed careful about what I post on the internet. It wouldn't take much to have a slander lawsuit placed against you and in your profession, especially since you used a work computer email to contact me, that could have some very serious implications for you if I was to contact your employer.
Ha Ha Go ahead and threaten my livelihood over YOU selling broken junk.. Operators are standing by..
You attack my character as having a "Temper Tantrum" or "Mr. Wizard" I am a REALTOR and FIREMAN/RESCUE, People contact me when they desperately need someone who THEY CAN TRUST TO HELP THEM ..
Thats where you and I are different, I can be trusted!~