Why are older fm rigs being priced like new ones?

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Why are older fm rigs being priced like new ones?

Post by k1pml »

I don’t get why 20-25 yr old rigs are being priced out of reason. For example there is an azden 2m priced up near what you can buy a new yaesu 2980? Unless you love azden rigs its silly to pay insane prices.
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Re: Why are older fm rigs being priced like new ones?

Post by ac9xh »

1.Greed. alot of hams think of buy low sell high. they dont care about the run down condition each rig is even though in their mind its pristene,perfect,etc.
2. greed
3. some think that if there is a parts shortage on some chips, then HEY, my rig is worth alot. I see rigs that 2or 3 years ago were decently priced but now even with problems, they run the limit on a small loan.

Only way to get around it is dont buy them, and purchase the multiband kits on the market like ebay, etc. You can put together a nice one with arduino ,display and possibly 50 watts out for less than $175 homebrewed. just do a search for homebrewed fm rigs with arduino.

again, greed causes it. The evil that has completely engulfed this world.I try to buy older transceivers also but the qrp hf ones and alot of hams think ohhhhhh he wants it bad so im going to jack up the price. I ignore them. patience will get you one for $50 or less . just have to keep hunting. ive been finding mine for around $30 to $70.
i refuse to pay someone retail price for something over 10 years old no matter how nice it is.solder cracks, dried electrolytic caps, tuning issues,etc.
just keep searching and dont give into the mindless greed.

Post it and tell everyone what ur looking for and the price range. specifically state the price range.hamfests,and posting on this website qth classifieds, and other ham sites. also contact some clubs to see if they have any old units.

i had some idiot who emailled me about how junky his ubitx was. i sent him a price of about $$60 i think. I felt since he stated it was junk, why do i need to pay more.

he came back and called me an idiot after he practically begged me to take his ubitxand after he stated ive sold hundreds of radios and never had a problems blah blah blah. scam. so i blocked him.

take ur time and check randl.com,mtc radio in texas i beleive, universal radio,associated radio,etc.they will have a used gear section which will list the radio,price etc. sometimes you can call them up on an item they still have and haggle with them. if they wont deal, either buy it on their terms or walk away.Also, i checked ebay and they have several 2 meter rigs for under 100 some as low as $59.

let the high priced greed dogs sit and spin. also on hf, if necessary, buy foreign rigs that are mulitband if priced right. all the high dollar priced rigs owners will say how dare they buy foreign radios. I say,tuff. bring down ur champaign prices,then we will talk. other than that you can homebrew with existing kits and assemblies.

again greed causes it. ive been in it since late 70s and everyone who has something to sell, ITS THE GREATEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD. remember, the auto sales men? some became hams and love to stick it to the other person. not all are like that,but there are a butt load like that.

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Re: Why are older fm rigs being priced like new ones?

Post by k1pml »

Well said! I agree i am never paying remotely close to retail on an older rig. I don’t make offers any longer. It is funny, i see rigs on non ham platforms listed at 2-3x the current retail when they are actually available from the big retail places for the regular price. I move on.

73 and have a great day
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Re: Why are older fm rigs being priced like new ones?

Post by W5acc »

it's a shame that some people are like that ... speaking just for my self i only buy from hams that i know in person or from ones that i have done business with in the pass .. i saw the other day a older kenwood fm 2 meter that was made back in the 70s they were trying to get 300 for it .. (ya good luck with that ) 300 you can buy a real nice new ...
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