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DECIDING "WHO and WHO NOT to sell to"

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 4:41 pm
by N5WHT
Deciding WHO and WHO not to sell to, is a pretty easy process for me. After years on QTH you'll eventually learn that. If I receive several inquires about an Item I have listed, First I see if anyone in the list is someone I've done business with before, if so they get FIRST priority. Then I'll check the rest of the list of potential Buyers. I cross one guy off because of (0) feedbacks. I cross another guy off because of too many "Questionable" feedbacks.
Another guy gets crossed off BECAUSE of too many people calling him a SCAMMER. That usually brings me back the guy on the list that I've dealt with before. I call him on the phone,we talk for a while. He sends the payment. Both Buyer & Seller are happy. Now the moral of this story is, You have to be "QUALIFIED" by ME to be chosen as a Buyer. Just being the First in line don't "Qualify" you to buy. 73'de N5WHT

Re: DECIDING "WHO and WHO NOT to sell to"

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 3:26 am
by N5WHT
Hello K9XR, Thanks for your Opinion,you know what they say about Opinions, Their like a**holes, EVERYBODY has one.
73,de N5WHT
Honorable Amateur Member