About the statement "no return because of parts swapers"
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 5:09 am
There is something it concern me about dealing on this great and useful web site.
I have been reading for quite some time that most of the sellers writte in their posts always the same, "no return because of parts swapers"
Certainly there have been several bad deals from guys swaping parts and wanting a refund, but now comes my big concern, how about the seller is using this new "rule" as a shield to protect himself of sending a defective radio to the buyer and when he receive he won't be able to claim a refund because of a bad deal and the seller will tell him "I warned you of no refund, don't blame me now if you did something wrong"
Do you realize my point of view now?
Since this new rule is been used I decided not to buy any radio to a stranger who first thing he does is saying no refund because of parts swaper, who I don't know because he might be the parts swaper unless I know the guy or be a friend of mine.
Think about it and be more careful.
I have been reading for quite some time that most of the sellers writte in their posts always the same, "no return because of parts swapers"
Certainly there have been several bad deals from guys swaping parts and wanting a refund, but now comes my big concern, how about the seller is using this new "rule" as a shield to protect himself of sending a defective radio to the buyer and when he receive he won't be able to claim a refund because of a bad deal and the seller will tell him "I warned you of no refund, don't blame me now if you did something wrong"
Do you realize my point of view now?
Since this new rule is been used I decided not to buy any radio to a stranger who first thing he does is saying no refund because of parts swaper, who I don't know because he might be the parts swaper unless I know the guy or be a friend of mine.
Think about it and be more careful.