scammer using W6SDW (Real W6SDW contacted)

For reports of scammers using other people's callsigns. Remember that any callsigns listed in this forum are likely innocent bystanders (subjects of identity theft) and, thus, are probably not guilty of anything. For bad transactions with verified ham operators, use the Feedback Forum instead.
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scammer using W6SDW (Real W6SDW contacted)

Post by NY5Y »

Had reply to a for sale thread in QTH from an individual using callsign W6SDW and email of and he said working in texas and living in SanDieago CA and would I take a Cashiers check. I told him I prefer a Postal Money order and was he good in QRZ. He replied he was good and only used Cashiers Checks (sign). So I send the QRZ email an email asking if it was the real W6SDW (Guess what real person said no scammer)
Just a warning as he has tried me a year or so ago!
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