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New 5 Mhz Channels

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 5:39 pm
by K2UX
Anybody ready for 5 megs? It sure happened fast-- seems like all of a sudden I realized there really are new freqs in two weeks! Guess the FCC caught the manufacturers off guard. I dont think any of the big bucks radios can go there but I'm not sure. There have always been TX expansion mods for the current Kenwoods, Icoms, etc on the net so I guess they can be made to cover 5 megs. I'm ready now with my Drake TR-7 and end fed wire and home brew tuner. Should tune up there fine. Anyone reading this able to be there opening day, July 4th (or is it third?)? I've seen two conflicting lists of the 5 operating freqs-- anybody know for sure? This will be a VERY interesting experiment for the FCC and us-- this band is probably coast to coast all night-- every ham from coast to coast with access to FIVE channels-- what do you think?
How about some skeds?
Joe-- K2UX New Jersey

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 8:58 pm
I'm ready...also with a TR-7, coincidentally! Didn't put up a dedicated 5 MHz antenna yet, so will probably use my 160m inverted vee w/tuner or something.

How've you been, Joe? Long time no hear.....