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Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:02 pm
by wr2i
First I would like to say that I have experience with LDG products such as auto tuner and several voters from their beginning. I had contacted Dwayne from LDG a few years ago regarding his DWM-4 which he had recently discontinued. He said if I could find one, to buy it... I found a NOS unit with several sensors, but missing the HF QRO sensor which is my primary interest. A call to LDG regarding the sensor to either buy parts or to get enough info to construct one. Dwayne was not helpful at all and gave me a lot of attitude, and basically "blew me off". He designed the unit and said "I knew more about it than he did". After several emails regarding fimware and which version(s) would support HF QRO and getting nowhere with his evasive answers, I called him on the phone and wondered what his problem was, I finally got an answer. Then he warmed up enough to send me some info regarding the 2KW HF sensor. However, the info was flawed and confusing. The circuit diagram he sent along with two pictures, did not match. When I asked which was correct, this is the email I sent and his reply.


The parts list/schematic and the pic of the bridge do not match. The first obvious anomaly is that schematic has two 100k pots and a 2w 56 ohm. The pic shows no 100 k pots and a 2w 68 ohm. Which is correct? my wattmeter today. It is really nice!



I'm glad you like the wattmeter.

For the schematic, I'm not going to do your project for you. If you don't know what the pots are for, then you should not be attempting this project. For the 2W resistor, try both to see which one gives you the best performance (that's what we do).

I hate to get so "to the point", but I've gone way out of my way to try to help you and now it seems like you don't know what to do with the information that you asked for.

Dwayne Kincaid

Mr. Kinkaid has a problem answering questions directly related to a product he discontinued 5 years ago. I never did get a real answer to my question, he won't be making any new money on this, so I will expect nothing. The Kincaid's have a GOD complex and need lessons in customer service. LDG, will NOT be getting any more of my business ever again, and I will gladly steer anyone else to his competitors.LDG should treat customers with respect, but choose not to when there is no new money involved. Makes you wonder what will happen when you need them in
the future.

Marc WR2I

This was copied verbatim from a posting that was not approved on Yahoo groups LDG discussion list. I have since received several emails from LDG ordering me to stop trying to go public with this, or WHAT?Dwayne also states that I am acting like a child because I didn't get my way. Why would that be if he was sending me helpful info? I questioned his info and now get orders to stop public opinion postings? This leads me to believe that the information he sent was false with intent to confuse and evade. Not good business IMHO.