I am getting computer interfance in my shack for one computer's the others do not seem to bother anything at all. I run 10 through 80 meters alot and if I turn on this one computer it causes noisy in my HF rig that runs the S meter up to a S5 or more making it hard to copy normal stations. I have 2 HF rigs and it is doing the same thing to both of them, one is a Yaesu FT-920 and the other is a Kenwood TS-2000, I have everything grounded and have moved things around and nothing changes. I can turn this computer off and the noisy goes away and I can receive very well then. I have a Laptop sitting right next to my HF rig and it does not bother it at all, I have turned the monitor off just to make sure it was not it but it is the comp[uter it's self. I have changed the mhz of the video card and that does not help eather, any sugestions will be appreciated.
73 Wayne AA5JJ
Computer causing interfance in HF radio's
Some computers are not put together as well as others, the government uses 'tempest' PCs to cut down on EMI/RFI ...
Here is a source that may help you solve your problem.
Here is a source that may help you solve your problem.