I have been selling new and used bird wattmeters on ebay and thru my web site for several years but found a new scam today.
Computer printed checks now allow the user to put a "void after" date on the check. It is in small (and I mean small) print usually directly under the $$$ amount. The checks and accounts are real, if you call the bank to verify funds, thay are in the account. But the void after date check makes it NO GOOD when you try to cash or deposit it.
I tried to deposit a check from a ham today that was writen AUGUST 8 I got it the day it voided. I did not know about this until I tried to deposit it today the 14th. The check was already expired. I normally don't even take personal checks but made an exception. Luckely I don't ship until all funds clear.
73 Tim NM3E :