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Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:31 am
by W4FJF
Hi Group!
Here is the $64.00 question for the week. Who has the best prices on capacitors (electrolytic,gum drops,and silver mica). I am restoring several Hallicrafters receivers (S-38's - a lot of them, SW-500's, S-108, SX-130) and need a reliable inexpensive source of caps. Hamfests are not very reliable (as a trip to Huntsville Al. hamfest proved). Have checked out Digikey and Mouser, but looking for other sources. Anybody have dealt with other sources and been satisfied? You can email direct, or thru this medium. Many thanks to you who reply with constructive comments.
Fred - W4FJF. :D

cap relacement

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:06 pm
I do some boat anchor restoration. A very good source is ( Their selection for recaping is very good.
King Davis Alias ke7aso

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:51 am
by N9LCD
Newark Electronics can be good. Hugh 2" thick catalogue. Commercial - industrial supplier. Only one problem that I see, everytime I look for something (even like Li AA's) they're out of stock.

