2) Azden PCS-4000 Won't Transmit

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2) Azden PCS-4000 Won't Transmit

Post by N4HMR »

I have two Azden PCS-4000's that receive fine but no RF output on either one. The final is an 'S-AV7' power amp module.

Symptom when keying the transmitter is that I see all the leds quickly sweep across, then all go out. SWR meter shows no RF out.

Has anyone changed one of these power amps out, and if so...
1. How difficult is the task. We do board level repair on data communications gear, so expertise shouldn't be a major problem, tho that is obviously a relative statement.

2. What are the odds that the final is the only problem?

3. Any suggestions on where to buy these power amps for a reasonable price?

Any help will be appreciated. Thx :D
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