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FCARC Hamfest 2006

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:44 pm
by AB9IO
Fellow HAM-Sters...

The Fox Cities Amateur Radio Club is having another great hamfest at Waverly Beach in Menasha, WI. Our hamfest could be one of the best kept secrets in Wisconsin. Raffle tickets are $2 or 3 for $5. Tables are only $10 and general admission is only $5. Bring the whole family and take advantage of our advanced Family ticket for $12. This year's top raffle prizes are:

Yaesu FT-7800R
Icom IC-V8000
Yaesu VX-150

This is one of the last hamfests of the year. We always have a great fest with lots of good quality equipment. This year, the FCARC will be sponsoring the "Club Table" with lots of ham gear available. Waverly Beach has a great bar and grill, so plan to stay for lunch! Online VE Testing will be available for those folks that want to upgrade or get their new license! See for more information. Hope to see you there!!!

hate to be critcal ole boy

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:18 pm
by kb9rqz
but in promoting a hamfest you might mentin the date esp as your webstite apear to be down