Kenwood TS-870S Serial Numbers
Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:17 pm
RADIOHF - TS-870S Serial Numbers
> 1996-70 mil
> 1997-80 mil
> 1998-90 mil
> 1999-00 mil
> 2000-10 mil
> 2001-20 mil
> 2002-30 mil
> 2003-40 mil
> 2004-50 mil
> Late 2004-early 2005 60 mil last production run. Early models 701XXXXX thru 806xxxxx had problems and any s/n after these runs have all the latest updates. There were some factory refurbs that failed final inspection at time of mfg. They had S/N of 90 mil and 00 mil sold by dealers in 2002 and 2003.
*** The easy way to remember is 6-7 , 7-8 , 8-9 , 9-0 , 0-1 , 1-2 , 2-3 , 3-4 and 4-5 , see how that works? (backwards 70 is 1996 , 80 is 1997 and so on) ***
> 1996-70 mil
> 1997-80 mil
> 1998-90 mil
> 1999-00 mil
> 2000-10 mil
> 2001-20 mil
> 2002-30 mil
> 2003-40 mil
> 2004-50 mil
> Late 2004-early 2005 60 mil last production run. Early models 701XXXXX thru 806xxxxx had problems and any s/n after these runs have all the latest updates. There were some factory refurbs that failed final inspection at time of mfg. They had S/N of 90 mil and 00 mil sold by dealers in 2002 and 2003.
*** The easy way to remember is 6-7 , 7-8 , 8-9 , 9-0 , 0-1 , 1-2 , 2-3 , 3-4 and 4-5 , see how that works? (backwards 70 is 1996 , 80 is 1997 and so on) ***