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VE7CQE commits fraud again
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:03 pm
by w5vk
Since my initial post concerning Charles Parent Quinn, a Canadian ham radio operator, I have been contacted by TWO ADDITIONAL victims. Both people have been scammed by VE7CQE, one for about $2,000 and the most recent for $6,000. Both of these have paid for computer equipment which they have never received. If you have any dealings with this person, Charles "Chuck" Parent Quinn, VE7CQE, please let me know. Thanks, W5VK.
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:22 am
Why not persuade those individuals to post their stories here?
Re: VE7CQE commits fraud again
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:56 pm
w5vk wrote:Since my initial post concerning Charles Parent Quinn, a Canadian ham radio operator, I have been contacted by TWO ADDITIONAL victims. Both people have been scammed by VE7CQE, one for about $2,000 and the most recent for $6,000. Both of these have paid for computer equipment which they have never received. If you have any dealings with this person, Charles "Chuck" Parent Quinn, VE7CQE, please let me know. Thanks, W5VK.
Your subject line already tells us he is a ham radio operator. Do you need to say "A Canadian" in your message. I get the impression you are implying A:: Canadian hams should be subject.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Re: VE7CQE commits fraud again
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:17 pm
w5vk wrote:Since my initial post concerning Charles Parent Quinn, a Canadian ham radio operator, I have been contacted by TWO ADDITIONAL victims. Both people have been scammed by VE7CQE, one for about $2,000 and the most recent for $6,000. Both of these have paid for computer equipment which they have never received. If you have any dealings with this person, Charles "Chuck" Parent Quinn, VE7CQE, please let me know. Thanks, W5VK.
I recently repaired a computer for Charles and he wrote me a NSF cheque. He is now avoiding me and as he uses Presidents Choice (a virtual bank) I am unable to get any cooperation from them.
He is presently doing business as “Tsunami High Performance Liquid Cooled Computers. His mailing address, #1-833 12th Street in New Westminster is the entrance to an alley.
His current email address is: '' .
His home address is:
#410 – 1116 Hamilton Street
New Westminster, BC
V3M 2M9
His phone number is: 604 520 9976
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:06 am
by Linda
Oh my gosh. My brother just told me a story about this fellow and I found this site because I was looking for more information on him.
At Christmas 2006 my brother found a cat up a tree. This guy asked my brother to climb the tree to get the cat. He told my brother that he would pay him $100.00 as a reward. My brother climbed the tree and then the cat jumped over to another tree. My brother then came down and climbed up the second tree. He ended up getting scratched to bits by this crazy cat but agreed to do it.
This guy, Charles Parent wrote my brother a cheque for $100.0 and even wrote reward on the cheque. The cheque bounced.
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:08 am
by Linda
the telephone number he gave my brother is 604-520-9805.
Re: VE7CQE commits fraud again
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 10:31 pm
by wa2ivd
Sadly, this is still going on. Charles Parent was one of the operators on the Last Man Standing event this past spring. In our private chat group he posted pictures of a tee-shirt and plaque commemorating the event and offered to produce them for anyone who wanted to order one. I sent him $78 Canadian for the items plus shipping and never received them. Several people (myself included) have tried contacting him with no response. As far as I know, nobody that ordered the items has received them.
I wish I had seen this forum before I sent my money to him. Hopefully this will keep others from being taken advantage of in the future.