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need some help KI4NRP ky

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:36 am
hello all, anyone that has any eqipment that can be donated to me im trying to get on the air 2m/440 mhz.. I have no money, im a new ham, and really want to get started. i do have a 2M/440mhz radio that was donated to me. (ANY donationa would be excepted and greatly appreciated. Can pickup donations within a short range. I need an mobile anttena or even a base that could convert. Also set of meters, Ext. Speaker, Mic Holder, things of that nature, this will be a mobile install. Also any knowledge that you all could pass on to me about what all i need for mobile install and tips on what is commonly ran in-line with radio would be great.

Thank You All,
Jonathan E Powell


Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:13 pm
by k9yli
this may be a dup.
Tell us more about your situation. Many hams are happy to donate or loan gear to a new ham.
Reason for needing gear and specifics also.
Are you a teen student ??
For specifics on gear, outsiders may not know local repeaters, which one you might want to use,
Are they tone controlled.?? What Frequency pair. ?
Most hams of older crystal gear with out tone, but there are may repeaters that don't use tone input.
Also some older radios only work from 146. to 148 mhz. But that might not be a problem.
Also spend time reading. Every thing you can find about radio. You ask for help and ideas from out here in cyber land. But every thing we know is pretty much written down some where.


Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:50 pm
Hello all this is an update:
I currently work for a set income job with the state of ky and it dosent pay even enough for the bills. I have a child recently born he is 8 months old and diapers and formula need i say more? im flat flat broke and have been for a long long time. i have been wanting my ham license all of my 25 years of life, i finnaly got it about 1 1/2 yr ago and still have gotten no where. So i thought that i would turn to the web for help from other hams. I listen to weather and storm spotter nets on local reapeters wich most are newer digital with tone PL. they can be found at . these are the repeaters that i wish to talk through on the radio. the main thing i need i guess would be a 2M/440 mobile dual band anttena i do have a nice digital mobile radio that was donated from a local long time ham locally. email me at i would be happy to exchange contact info. Thank you everyone for all your help. i know that you all will pull through to help me get my station ON AIR.

Jonathan E Powell

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:11 pm
by wa4cch
:roll: Hello just wondering if you ever thought about building your own antennas ???? you can really build em CHEEP a coat hanger or some aluminum clothes line wire some old ac power cord you can build a beam or a quad for vhf/uhf for practicly nothing...... a quarter wave vertical for your mobile
check out the flea markets you can buy ol cb antennas and convert them for pennies on the dollar if you are already listening your halfway there check out the local ham clubs there are people who will help you and you won't need big bucks either GIVE IT A TRY

73 chuck 8)