A unique thought about the TS570DG

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A unique thought about the TS570DG

Post by k4zmi »

I recently purchased the TS570DG and have the YK88CN1 270 HZ filter installed. Since the instructions state that option 46 in the menues must be set to whatever filter installed, what would result if all three filters were paralleled on a single plug in board. Would each one in turn function correctly when menue 46 is set for that filter? Or would the filters interfere with one another?

I contacted Kenwood U.S.A. on this idea and the reply was "in 1996 the ts570 was engineered to have only one filter slot." Well, DUH!, That's not the answer I wanted. I wanted to know why couldn't all three filters be paralleled on a single plugin board? geeez!

Anyone care to throw a monkey wrench into my machinery of thinking?
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