Topic: IC-7000 Auto Tuner, BetterRF or N2VZ Enterprises

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Topic: IC-7000 Auto Tuner, BetterRF or N2VZ Enterprises

Post by KF4UJA »

I am seeking input/advice from those of you who are so much more knowledgeable than I. And, I respect all of your advise. I recently purchased an IC-7000. I will be purchasing a Tarheel Antenna for use on mobile.
1. Those of you who are now using or have used either of these tuners.
2. Why such a large difference in price???
3. Are there others on the market which are better/ease of use/more efficient, etc?
4. Any and all other recommendations or comments
Thanks, 73
Jerry KF4UJA
Phone: 276-479-1301
God's Abundant Blessings on all of you, and 73
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