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KD5WVV Kevin Davidson - I got ripped off by this person

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 8:41 pm
by steve_kc7byp
:( Do not deal with KD5WVV Kevin Davidson he does not keep his
promise to deliver what he says he will deliver. He had advertised on a laptop for sale and I made a deal with him
to trade state across the board an Alinco DR-130 mobile 2 meter
rig, a tucker mobile 2 meter linear amp, and a complete antenna
rotor system ( rotor was as is needing repair and he knew that) I
have for his 200mhz laptop, in good working order with lots of
bells and whistles.
We agreed to each ship on Oct 1st, I was delayed by one day and
shipped on Oct 2nd via 3rd class mail and the post office
reported that my packages arrived on Oct 7th, (he had to sign for
them). He sead that he shipped on the same day that I shipped
via 3 class mail. As of Oct 21th the laptop computer has not
arrived. Now the question is how do I make him eather pay me
for my stuff or send it back, anyone have any ideas?

new update Kevin kd5wvv Don't deal with him

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 3:15 am
by steve_kc7byp
I have found out that he has riped off meny other hams. Go over to QRZ.COM and type kd5wvv in the open forum search to see the detales.