I have a new mfj 986 tuner and is works great, except the roller inductor has me a bit puzzled. The manual mentions a self resonant killer switch that may cause a bump while tuning back and forth with the roller inductor.
I see the switch, but when the roller gets to that point, it stops and wont go any farther, leaving a greater portion of the turns from that point onwards. I'm afraid to force it, but it seems that I should be able to tune the inductor from one end to the other.
Any take on this puzzler?
Here it is 11:30 e.d.t. and you'll be surprised as to what the problem was.
The self reasonant killer switch, on the rotor inductor, has a small metal stud that rides in a bent portion of a tension spring. The little metal stud was on the wrong side of the support shaft (180 degrees out of position). This prevented the roller wheel from going past the switch, and utilizing the rest of the inductor coil. STRIKE TWO AGAINST MFJ.
The first strike was a loose nut rattling around in the cabinet of the 600sps power supply that I purchased about two months ago along with the amplifier.
Does MFJ have any kind of quality control?