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icom 02at question
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:55 am
by k1pml
anyone know what size the dc input plug is>? i need to get the right sized plug and not sure what size it is. anyone know for sure? sorry i lost the manual..
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:36 pm
by k9yli
I looked at mine. Its co-axial power plug on the battery.
Just take it down to Radio Shack and check it out.
They have each co-ax plug and socket on a string..
Just poke away until you find the one with the right diameter center pin.
You may not find the correct length.I have some devices that use a short barrel co-ax power connector.
Just get one long enough.
The ones on the string are labeled j k L m n etc......