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Kenwood TV-502
Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:41 pm
by ke5oto
I am looking for a schematic or even the cables to connect a TV-502 (2 meter transverter) to my TS-520S. Can anyone help?
TV-502 Kenwood 2 Meter Transverter
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:47 pm
Since I don't really understand what you have or have not for the TV-502 XVTR, then go to the following Boat Anchors URL and download the three (3) PDF documents for wiring configuration and schematics:
And scroll down to
FILES to download the 3 documents you'll need.
If you don't have the 8-Pin Kenwood Rectangular Plug then this could be a stumbling block although if you are resourceful and creative, you could modify those Male & Female connectors to
DB-25 (computer connectors) or sometine on that size configuration. The other connectors that interface with your TS-530 are
RCA Phono Plugs with small
RG-58A/U coaxial cable.
Oh, when you do manage to get everything working like it should, the TV-502 Transverter will be sensative to a high
VSWR > 1.5:1 so make sure you've got a good match on your 2 Meter Horizontal Yagi Antenna. I recommend using
LMR-400, 1/2" or 7/8" Andrews Heliax with N connectors depending on how long your main feedline run is and
RG-213/U for the loop around the mast / rotor pipe to the antenna feed point.
Kenwood TV-502
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:50 pm
by ke5oto
Sorry I was not very clear. I am looking for the Pin out or schematic for the cables that connect the TV-502 to the TS-520. I am quit sure I am going to have to modify the connectors as I have never seen these before.
And thanks for the tip on the LMR 400 as this is what I run. A pair of stacked scorpion II cubes from cubex. actualy right now only one but the second will be in place soon!
Kenwood TS-520S Transceiver
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:28 am
Ok Ed,
This sounds like you want the
TS-520S H.F. Transceiver Manual, I'll include the original
TS=520 H.F. Transceiver Info too.
One of these two manuals ought to provide the basic information as to the Wiring configuration to and from the
TV-502 Transverter.
Kenwood TV-502
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:21 pm
by ke5oto
Yes you are correct It is the ts-520s. And Thanks very much for your help. If you happen upon any resource for the connnectors please let me know.
"N" Type RF Connectors LMR-400
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:28 am
Hello Ed,
RF Parts is a source for the
LMR-400 "N" Type RF Connectors and their
Part # RFN-1002-1SI
Davis RF - RFN-1002-1SI
Surplus Sales of Nebraska - Part $ (CRF) NM9913
The RF Connection - Part # 82-202-1006 or UG-21D / 9913 Then scroll down to
N Series